Friday, October 30, 2009

We are now approaching the apogee of Bulmania

Nearly one hundred years after the events that had made him both feared and famous, Paul Revere engraved this uncomplimentary image of King Philip, or Metacomet. Revere himself would become revered even unto my generation for having sounded the alarm on his midnight ride, "The British are coming, the British are coming." It would be he who on the night of April 18/19 in the 1775 aroused the Minute Men to their duty. Minute Men, such as John Bullman, who would at a moments notice marshal themselves where they were needed for the "common defence".

Here are the opening lines of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's 1861 poem of that epic night. It was learned by rote among all school children for generations:

Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year

Revere is shown to the left at his prime and, again, below and to the right in 1813 after he had grown old, but not forgotten. Ironically, he is beginning to look like his depiction of King Philip whose war and the colonists' own response would lay waste to much of New England between 1675 and 1678. While the hottest period involving Massachusetts was during the first year or so, the war continued on in Maine intermittently until the latter date.

Your mother and I once lived in East Machias, Maine. I was there for nearly two years. After our wedding, we lived there until I spent the last nine months of my seven year naval enlistment in the Brooklyn Shipyards and at the Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia. (Now you know why I am such a fan of NCIS.) We often went on mini-pilgrimages to the various historical sites along the coast down to South Carolina in the time that we lived on the eastern seaboard.

My point? In Frederick Albert Bulman's list, that is, the list of Verona Irene Bulman's father, are found three cryptic statements.

Having introduced Peter (Patrick Bulman) and his wife Sarah (Vale) Bulman, FAB notes:

Jerrymeth Vale killed in Cherry Valley massacre, King Philips War.

Then, two more comments after he has listed the children of Patrick and Sarah:

Sarah Vale's father cam from Holland to U.S.A. after 1794 and was in the French and Indian Wars. Was prisoner 18 months with the Indians.

His Children:

Jeremiah Vale (Killed in the Cherry Valley Massacre)
Sarah Vale
One other girl
One other boy
You should be able to see the problem. King Philip (1675-1678), French and Indian Wars (1754-1763) and the Cherry Valley Massacre (Central New York, 11 November 1778) were all before 1794. A scene of the latter depicted on the right.

The latter was an engagement between British forces and their Indian allies and Captain Icabod (God's Glory Has Departed) Alden of the 7th Massachusetts Regiment. The latter was out numbered and out commanded by his enemies. The Oneida's and other tribes friendly with the Continental Army would come to the rescue of those who were made captive. Dozens of people were killed, but there are scanty records to determine who. They are probably out there, but not digitised as yet.

Just so you know; Icabod died with a tomahawk in his forehead which may have been thrown by Joseph Brant, Mohawk leader.

I can find no record of a Vale being involved in the encounter. However, I have recently learned that the area was attacked again in 1780. I have yet to find any significant information. In any case, if Sarah's father arrived from Holland after 1794, then none of this is plausible. However, if you change 1794 to 1749, it is possible. But, he would have been a very old man by the time that Sarah was born in 1795.

So, that has had me thinking for some time. What if FAB had some of this confused? Perhaps, without prejudice to other possibilities, these are Bulman stories. I must admit that I have never found a Jeremiah, much less a Jerrymeth, Veile (Dutch spelling) in any of the records. I have found a few Jeremiah Vales and Vails, but not in this area at these times. What does strike me is the fact that Patrick had a brother named Jeremiah and one wonders if he might have had an uncle named Jeremiah, and cousins, as well.

So, I have been trying to see if anything fits from the Bulman side. We do know that there were Bullman/Bulman families in Massachusetts and this might fit the Cherry Valley Massacre in terms of the Continental Army soldiers. Again, I am not aware of a complete list of enlisted or civilian casualties. I have found a reference to a John Bullman of Boston, Massachusetts being made a captive during the French and Indian War. I do not have access to the book; but, I have asked for a look up in the States. We can await that communication.

It may be that the King Philip's war connection is the result of a faulty memory that had once learned its lessons by rote. Not that such learning is entirely a bad thing. It at least puts pegs into the grey matter upon which to hang a few cloaks of learning. Most people's intellectual dress lies in the front hallway for lack of such conveniences. I may not remember all of Longfellow's poem, but I do remember "Listen my children and you will hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere."

I note that he wrote the poem on the eve of the great cataclysm that changed forever the landscape of the American imagination which soon became all too preoccupied with bureaucracy, efficiency and indecency. Any legacy of the vision of Washington (shown to the right in his colonel's uniform having belonged to a Virginia regiment during the French and Indian War--however the painting was done in 1772), Cooper or Clinton which so influenced the citizens of New York in preceding generations was soon to be dissipated.

Did I mention in my previous post, I think not, that the Stockbridge Indians of western Massachusetts fought with the Continental Army against General Burgoyne at the Battle of Saratoga?

The Battle of Oriskany (6 August 1777) to the west in Oneida was part of this suite of events as well. It resulted in the eventual death of the Continental General Herkimer and cost nearly 450 of his men killed or wounded. They had fought a much larger British and Indian force which included those who would later be involved in the Cherry Valley Massacre (Mohawk leader, Joseph Brant, and Ranger colonel, John Butler). Herkimer found himself fighting his own brother who had sided with the Loyalists. While this battle devastated the local militias and the Oneidas lost members of their tribe supporting the Continental Army, it did help to prevent St. Leger from being able to support General Burgoyne at Saratoga. Herkimer is painted critically wounded, but courageously directing his men in the chaos of battle on the left. They had been on the way to lift the siege at Fort Stanwix in Oneida.

The events were depicted in the book, Drums along the Mohawk, by Walter Dumaux Edmonds (check out chapters three and four especially), and in the John Ford directed movie (poster to the right and trailer below for the movie and an introduction by Scorsese). Of course, this is another memory from my days watching rerun movies in black and white on the television. This was usually done when I was home sick from school in the afternoons.

Of course, the navy named two ships after the battles (actually more, as ships are decommissioned and the names reused). The USS Saratoga (CV-60), a Forrestal-class supercarier and the USS Oriskany (CV/CVA-34), an Essex-class aircraft carrier. Both ships were in operation during my time in the navy. Sadly, they like the USS Savannah (AOR-4), a Wichita-class fast-attack replenishment ship, that I served on have all been decommission. They have been either sold for scrap or made tourist attractions, of one sort or another.

I am afraid, it will take a great deal of looking to find anything more out about these mysteries. We have the good folks at the Marshall Historical Society in Oneida County looking and the Dean papers in Indiana have a great deal of information on life in and around Deansville which we need to find a way to peruse. Perhaps, through this means or through some unknown, as yet, relative, we will find answers.

FAB listed his father, Patrick, as having been born in New York on 4 July 1792. This is ten years after he lists John Bulman as having been married. By my calculations from census data for Jeremiah and Abigail, Jeremiah may have been born in 1782 or 1783.

On last thing, I should point out, while I can only agree with his later views, when he finally understood the importance of the Federalist stance of Washington and others in the aftermath of the French Terror, Patrick Henry was considered a founder of America. Yet, he opposed the United States Constitution. He died on 6 June 1799 which is about the time that some suggest Henry Bulman was born. He is supposed to have said the following in a speech at the House of Burgess (state assembly) depicted by the painting to the right:

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

In any case, we can still remember the dead who shaped our living through the context they moulded for our ancestors. There is plenty of work to follow all the other tributaries of the Bulman family and their associated clans.

How might, John, the father of Jeremiah, Patrick and Henry Bulman, have come to know about regions around Schenectady, New York?

The man on the right was severely vilified when I went to school. It is remotely possible that an ancestor of ours served under him, or more correctly was inspired, by his words and example, to fight on at a famous battle in the War of Independence. Many say that this battle, or collection of battles, changed the direction of the war. This is Benedict Arnold, a brilliant officer, whose name, like that of Quisling, became synonymous with betrayal. Yet, his reputation seems to have been somewhat rehabilitated more recently as witnessed to by the "Boot Memorial" at the Saratoga National Historical Park.

Yet, at the Battle of Saratoga, he was merely a disobedient hero.

This is just a bit of colour. However, it be worth doing at least some Google research about both the battles and Benedict. What is important for now, not that history is unimportant--you know I quote Santayana, is the fact that a John Bullman is supposed to have fought in Captain Abijah Child's company under Colonel John Greaton. At least, the National Parks Service says so. Well, the site at Saratoganygenweb.

BULLMAN, John MA Watertown

Private, Capt. Abijah Child's co., Col. John Greaton's regt. ; from 1 Apr 1777, to 20 Jun 1779 p reported deserted. More info.

If you click for info you get:

Bullman, John
Additional military information: Private, Capt. Samuel Barnard's co., (late) Col. Thomas Gardner's regt., which marched on the alarm of 19 Apr 1775 ; service, 4 days ; also, list of men mustered in Suffolk Co. by Nathaniel Marber, Muster Master, dated Boston, 27 Apr 1777 ; Capt. Child's co., Col. Greaton's regt. ' enlisted for town of Watertown ; also, reported deserted. Ref. MA01

MAO1 - Massachusetts Commonwealth; Massachusetts Solders and Sailors in the War of the Revolution (17 vols) ; Wright and Potter Printing Co., (Boston, 1896) ; Additional information can be found at the New York State Library, CMA callnum: 973.3444 qA2
(A note for researchers, this call number is for the 17 volumes of the series at the New York State Library. You can view them online via the Internet Archives. I have already made a link for my needs. There is another seris called the New England Historical and Genealogical Register with hundreds of books relating various sources--this link is for 1911. Keep in mind this is only a single volume in a very large series.)

On page 91 of Watertown's Military History, which was published in 1907 "under the direction of a Committee representing the Sons of the American Revolution, and Isaac B. Patten Post 81, Grand Army of the Republic, you can read the following:

BULLMAN, JOHN. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777 ; residence and credited to Watertown ; list of men mustered in Suffolk Co., by Nathaniel Barber, muster master, dated Boston, Apr. 27, 1777 ; Capt. Child's co., Col. Greaton's regt. ; also, Private, Capt. Abijah Child's co., Col. Greaton's (2d) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Apr. 1, 1777, to June 20, 1779 ; reported deserted.

Deserted. Not a good look. But, perhaps, not strictly, a fact.

However, before looking for information elsewhere, a reader might wish to read pages 73-75 which states something of the soldiers of the revolution in terms of the assessor's evaluation for property-holders and poll tax payers of 1 December, 1774, just before the battle at Lexington. This provides us with additional information. For instance, John Bullman seems to have resided on the west side of Watertown This seems to be the less affluent side of town.

Indeed, John Bullman was assessed as having no value in terms of either Pounds or Shillings. He is one of twenty such assessments out of one hundred on the west-side. By comparison, the east-side only had thirteen such out of eighty-five assessments. Or, 20% to, something like, 15%.

Readers might wish to read a little about the Lexington Alarm and see John Bullman listed in the muster roll on pages 77-79 of Watertown's Military History. An additional source of the muster roll can be found on page 40 of the History and Genealogy of the Descendants of Joseph Taynter, who sailed from England April, A.D. 1638, and settled in Watertown, Mass (1859). There is an interesting anecdote about one of the men in the footnote. By the way, through the Bates side of our family, we could call the Tainters, johnny-come-latelys. The Bates arrive in 1635. Of course, others were roaming the north American continent long before that.

Seriously, there is another source. On page 792 of the Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War which was compiled "from the archives" and "prepared and published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth in accordance with Chapter 100, Resolves of 1891" and published in 1896, we find:

BULLMAN, John, Watertown. Private, Capt. Samuel Barnard's co., (late) Col. Thomas Gardner's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 4 days ; also, list of men mustered in Suffolk Co. by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master, dated Boston, April 27, 1777 ; Capt. Child's co., Col. Greaton's regt. ; residence, Watertown ; enlisted for town of Watertwon ; also, Private, Capt. Abijah Child's co., Col. John Greaton's (2d) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from April 1, 1777, to June 20, 1779 ; reported deserted.
Now, it is important to note that the information about Col. Greaton's regiment being the Second, may not be strictly accurate at this point. The Massachusetts Line seems to have been reorganised and renamed more than once. Yet, it is likely that John Bullman was at the Battles of Saratoga (Freeman's Farm and Bemis Hill) in 1777.

It is also very likely that he was not a deserter. I have seen the microfilms of these files and there are extremely difficult to follow. Additionally, there is the following entry on page 798:

BULMAN, John. Private, Capt. Samuel Flower's co., Col. John Greaton's (3d) regt. ; enlisted Aug. 27 (also given Aug. 15), 1779 ; discharged May 27, 1780 ; enlistment, 9 months ; also, muster roll for Sept., 1779, dated Camp Bedford ; also, muster roll for Oct., 1779, dated Camp near Peekskill ; also, muster roll for Nov. and Dec., 1779, dated Continental Village.
Notice that there is about a one month gap between John Bullman's pay-record and John Bulman's enlistment in Colonel John Greaton's regiment.

While the surrendering of Burgoyne's sword to Gage took place there, the "Battle of Saratoga" occurred about ten miles south and east of Saratoga. But, it was relatively close to Schenectady. Additionally, all the camps mentioned for the Bulman (one "L") were in southern New York. So, whether, this is our John Bulman, father of Jeremiah, Patrick and Henry, his "story" does demonstrate how someone from Massachusetts might end up knowing quite a bit about New York.

It also demonstrates that care to be taken with the records. If John Bullman of Watertown (and there were a few other John Bullmans) and John Bulman were the same person, it may be an administrative anachronism to still considered him to have deserted.

More for the next post.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Correction to October 26th Post and additional information on John Bullman in Wisconsin

In the original post I had:

John (1816)
Henry (1818)
Louisa (1820)
Jeremiah (1824)
Polly (1826 est.)
William (1830)

This was a serious mistake and has been corrected...not sure what was going on. It should be:

John (1815/1816) Massachusetts
Jeremiah (1816/1817) Massachusetts

The upshot is that Jeremiah and Abigail Bulman definitely had a child who was born in Massachusetts in 1816 before arriving in New York. Their son Henry is listed as having been born in New York. So, we have to account for where Jeremiah and Abigail were. It might be that Jeremiah Bullman was also known as Jeremiah Bulmore as discussed in the earlier posts.

However, my theory about the eldest child might be thrown out of kilter. It will be a close call as the census takers and information givers were not always accurate in that regard.

Some other information that I have about in 1850 was that a John Bullman had an unsuccessful bid to become register of deeds. He got 4 votes and his opponent, Barstow, received 105 votes. Now this was for New Berlin, in fact, according to the Waukesha Democrat on Tuesday, November 12, 1850.

Also, the Milwaukee County Marriages has a John Bullman marrying Ann Cornelia ? (pg. 106, doc 532) on 9 March 1844. In the relatively nearby Cedarburg, Ozaukee, Wisconsin can be found a John Bullmann (Ballmann is an error according to the image) in the 1860 census. He was born in New York around 1824 and his wife Ann was born in England in 1826. Their eldest is a John born in 1848 and next a daughter, Lucy, born in 1854. Does not necessarily look like John and W. Bullman.

Finally, I have found that a John Bullman (First) enlisted in the 17th Wisconsin Infantry from Fond Du Lac (town of, I believe) on 15 January 1862. If this is John from Massachusetts, he would have been around 46 and a year or two older than the cut off...but people can lie about their age. He was a corporal at his death seven months later on 16 August 1862 at Corinth, Mississippi of disease.

Oddly, another John Bullman (Second) enlisted from nearby Rhine on 28 March 1864 and was mustered out as a corporal on 14 July 1865. (Source for both: Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, war of the rebellion, page 57, Internet Archives). If this was John Junior from the 1850 census, then, he was 18 years old when he enlisted. Could this have been father and son in the same unit? Or, do we have the two elder John Bullman?

In any case, the 1850 John Bullman was in close proximity with the Patrick Bulman family at that time (Prairie and New Berlin). Also, the city of Fond Du Lac is very much associated with the Brothertown Bulman family. More information is, of course, needed. But, it is coming in slowly.

Monday, October 26, 2009

If you prick us, do we not bleed?

When we write about the past, we are writing about people. We may focus on events. But, intrinsically, what matters is what people think, feel and do. So, in writing about the histories of families there are somethings we might not necessarily share with others. Even at the distance of a few decades, feelings can run strong in a family. There are a few things that I will touch on that may be painful for people. I will certainly give a great deal of thought to if, what and how I say anything.

What I am going to say in this post, is a matter of public record. But, some records are more public than others. I will have to do this a few times over the months ahead. In this case, vital information is involved that may or may not make it more or less difficult for us to find out who our ancestors were. I am hoping such information will help and not hinder.

Why do the members of family go their separate ways? How is it that some seem to be caught between a rock and a hard place? There are at least a dozen answers to this question that come easily to mind. One is about identity. We do not shape our identity by ourselves. Who we are is someone determined by the company we cultivate and keep. Various judgments can be made that will be different at different times and places.

There is a book that is very difficult to get a hold of. I have only been able to get bits and pieces of it over time. If I find a copy for sale, I will buy it immediately. It is titled, A Man Called Sampson, by Rudi and Will Ottery. It has a great deal of information about the Bulmans who were descended from Henry and Wealthea. On page 124, is a sketch of their son, Grisel. I have some other sources that I will refer to shortly. This passage speaks about Grisel and his second wife:

Mary Dick, Grisel's second wife, was the daughter of William Dick and Juliette Peters Dick, both Brothertown Indians. Her parents were witnesses to her marriage. Mary was a teacher and her father was a leader in the Christian Temperance Movement. Grisel was a carpenter. He served in Co. G, 36th Wisconsin Infantry during the Civil War, enlisting on February 26, 1864, and receiving a medical discharge on May 22, 1865. Grisel was left with a hip and kidney disability which resulted from wounds received in battle. He belonged to the Baptist Church and tended to be strict. On Sundays the family always went to church. Their Sunday lunch was prepared the day before because work was not permitted on Sundays. Farmers were allowed to tend their animals, but that was all. After lunch, they returned to church for the afternoon. Grisel and his family lived in the village of Brant in Calumet County, and according to Hazel Dishneau, Brant was very politically conscious. Their Baptist Church moved their meetings from one end of town to the other, depending upon whether Republicans or Democrats won the previous election. Records regarding when and where Grisel was born are conflicting, and we used the date he lists for himself on a government affidavit. This information agrees with affadavits filed by his sister, Almira. Grisel's name appears variously on records, as Griswald and Chris, but he was apparently named after his mother's brother Grisel Sampson. In 1882, the Chilton Times reported that he was building a brick house at Stockbridge, and that he had an accident while cutting wood. Grisel died of pulmonary tuberculosis and is buried at the Gravesville, Wisconsin Cemetery.

He died 24 February 1902.

According to Records Relating to the Kansas Claims of the New York Indians, for which Grisel Bulman filed application #2313 on November 23, 1901, he states that his father, Henry Bulman was "a 1/4 blood Indian and was never enrolled as one of the Brothertown Band." This file also states that his grandmother's name was Jane Bulman and that he did not know anything of his grandfather. In another place, when speaking of Henry Bulman, the information I have says that "his mother was called Jane in some records."

Interestingly, Patrick and Sarah Bulman's youngest daughter was named Abigail Jane Bulman.

If Henry Bulman, the son of Abigail and Jeremiah Bulman, was by descent one quarter Native American, then there are three possibilities: a) his mother had a parent who was Native American, b) his father had a parent who was Native American, or c) each of his parents had a grandparent who was Native American.

If the situation was as stated in the second possibility, then this is not likely to have any bearing on a name change and a potential family dispute. However, if the situation involved the first or third possibility it might. If members of Jeremiah, Patrick and Henry's families were trying to play down any Native American heritage, then it might be necessary for those who wanted to be more open to move on. This might be especially the case, if their father had married twice. It seems more probable, that Abigail had a parent who was a of Native American heritage. For instance, she may have had an association with the Stockbridge Indians in western Massachusetts.

Jeremiah and Abigail's sudden presence in Schenectady among various family members may have precipitated something. He may both have changed his name to Bullman and also had his service papers changed before leaving Lenox, if this is Jeremiah Bulmore. Patrick and Henry might have followed suit out of loyalty to Jeremiah. Benoni may have done so out of decency. This is all speculation. But, it is a curious fact that Patrick has three sons named, from oldest to youngest, Henry, Jeremiah and William. And, that Abigail and Jeremiah also have three sons named Jeremiah, Henry, and William in birth order.

True, if I am correct, Jeremiah and Abigail also have a John who may have been named after a grandfather. It is also true that Henry has no sons named Jeremiah or Patrick. Yet, children do die at infancy. And, sometimes people wish to forget. Sometimes they do not even want to know in the first place.

In one of those chance Internet "meetings", I found the following information:

I am one of a group working on an official history of the Wisconsin 23rd Regiment . Prescott B. Burwell enlisted on 13 Aug 1862 at Sun Prairie, Dane Co., WI & discharged 9 Mar at Sun Prairie, WI. He enlisted (2) on 9 Mar 1864 into the 36th WI Infantry and was wounded & Prisoner of War at Cold Harbor, VA. He d. of wounds, a prisoner at Richmond, VA on 28 Jun 1864. He m. Harriet L. Monford who m. ( 2) to William Franklin Bulman.

I responded and gave what little extra information that I had. One thing I pointed out was that Grisel Bullman was in Company G, 36th Wisconsin Infantry, and that he was William Franklin Bulman's cousin. Burwell was a captain in Company F. Even though their company's were in the line side by side according to James M. Aubery's book The Thirty-Sixth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry published in 1900, I doubt that they knew one another. However, Aubery was a Lieutenant in Company G and had this to say about Grisel on page 35:

We had in our regiment quite a number of Indians (half breeds), who were the best of soldiers. They were intelligent, robust, athletic, ready for a wrestle or any game which might be proposed. In my company (G) was one by the name of Gris Bullman, a finely-proportioned fellow, very quick; none in the whole camp was his equal in a wrestle. The whole regiment was composed of a splendid type of western men--farmers, lumbermen, merchants, mechanics, clerks and teachers; the first named predominating.

The following is an account of the battle in which Grisel is wounded in 1864 (p.171):

October 27.--At 6 o'clock in the morning arrived within a short distance of the enemy's line, near Hatcher's Run. Lieutenant Ripley with Company A was ordered forward to develop the enemy. Deploying the company in front of the brigade he drove in the enemy's pickets and captured their rifle pits. Heavy skirmishing continued until noon, when the enemy's main line was found. The Thirty-sixth was formed in line of battle, with the Second and Third Brigades on the right and the Third Division in the rear. At 3 o'clock the enemy in heavy force charged the Third Division, causing it to break, thus cutting off all communications with the rear. Seeing the perilous condition, Captain Fisk ordered the regiment to face by the rear flank, fix bayonets and charge, which was handsomely executed, striking the enemy on their flank, doubling up their line and causing them to break and run. A large number were captured, with one stand of colors. The number of prisoners captured was greater than the regiment's whole force. The casualties to the regiment were 12 wounded and missing. This is a glorious victory for the Thirty-sixth, as it no doubt saved the whole division. Casualties are:
Wounded.--Corporal Grisel Bullman, Martin Hoffman, Smith D. Weldon, Company G.

Given Aubery's description of Grisel as a wrestler, he must have been well and truly in the thick of it that day. He would later make sergeant.

This is the military history of Prescott B. Burwell from page 394:

PRESCOTT B. BURWELL enlisted August 13th, 1862, in Company A, Twenty-third Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers; first-sergeant; second-lieutenant Company I, Twenty-third, not mustered.

Commissioned captain Company F, Thirty-sixth, March 9th, 11864; mustered March 23rd, 1864; wounded and prisoner June 1, 1864, at Turner's Farm, Va. Died June 26th, 1864, in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., wounds.

Aubery thought him a brave man.

After marrying William Franklin Bullman in Walworth County half way between Prescott B. Burwell's family at Sun Prairie and various Patrick and Sarah Bulman daughters near East Troy, Walworth County, did she find out that Grisel was William's nephew? Did she discover William's Native American heritage? In any case, she does leave him and, then, lives in California for some time having married another man. Perhaps, William just was not what she was looking for in a man; it is a complicated business, this living.

By the way, Sarah was still alive at this point and the place of the wedding also is on the railway line from Waukesha. Was Sarah living with her eldest daughter, Elizabeth, at this point in the Sussex-Lisbon area where Patrick was buried in 1866?

A great deal of this is speculation of course. But, we have all seen this sort of thing play out before us many times. I think it highly plausible. However, I am only using this as a hypothesis for guiding my further researches.

Shylock's speech and, then....Portia's:

Is there really anything that even remotely connects Jeremiah Bulmore to Jeremiah Delos Bulman?

Today, we invoke the aid of St. Alfred the Great, King of the Anglo-Saxon tribes, as it is his day in the liturgical calendar.

Well, I have already pointed out the possible connection through the Methodist Episcopal Church. I am persuing equiries along that line. Also, I have demonstrated that a person very likely to be a relative of Jeremiah, Patrick and Henry (an older brother, perhaps half-brother to Patrick, or uncle), Benjamin Bullmore, changed his name through time to Bullman. It seems that his children followed the Bullman usage, thereafter.

Is there anything that might place Patrick's brother, Jeremiah Bulman, in Massachusetts prior to 1817 which seems to be the date after which Patrick and Sally moved to some place near to Deansville, Oneida, New York? Ah, there is a little more detective work that has been done with this. It is not conclusive. But, it is very interesting, none-the-less.

My first bit of data was discovered many years ago and discounted as a connection to the Patrick Bulman family. I have learned though time to be very slow and careful before discounting connections. I'll give an example of this later. It has to do with a Henry Bullman who showed up in the Calumet County census in Wisconsin for 1850. He is with his wife, Welthy (Wealthea), and their children, Griswold (10), Amelia (6), Clinton J. (3) and Amarretta (1). There were two other people in the household; his mother, Abagail (67) of Massachusetts and mother-in-law, Esther Samson (52) of Connecticut. Since, they did not fit my profiles, I moved on.

I also discovered a John Bullman in the same census at Waukesha, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. The proximity to Peewauke and Brookfield, two Patrick Bulman sites, got my attention. However, John Bullman was born in Massachusetts and his wife "W" was born in England. A son, John, was four and had been born in Wisconsin, as had "Harry" who had been born less than a year earlier. This did not seem at all promising. And, I had a lot of work to do to find known family members from the FAB (my great, grandfather) list.

However, in time, when I had filled in many gaps and found not a few brick walls in my path, I spent more time reading histories and annals of Oneida County, as well as those for the towns of Marshall and Kirkland. I began to rediscover a rather dim memory about Samson Occom and the Brothertown Indians from my graduate study days. I realised that Calumet and Fond du Lac were newer sites for the Brothertown Tribe. So, I kept digging deeper,until I found the following reference on page 359 of William Deloss Love's Samson Occom, and the Christian Indians of New England in the Internet Archives:

Abel Sampson (1James) married Esther, daughter of John M. Simons; received lot 115 in 1819; and died at Brothertown about 1830. His widow removed to Wisconsin in 1844. Chn.: 1. James. II. Melinda (Malvina). III. Welthea A. IV. Grizel H. V. Ralph W. VI. Eliza E.

Now, I admit that I am not overly swift about these things. However, here was a connection with the same area that my family was from. The Esther Sampson in the census was Abel Sampson's widow. Also, the date stared me down. On the FAB list, big as life, next to Patrick Bulman's son, Henry, was written "emmigrated to Wisconsin 1844". It seemed very likely that he had done so with Esther's family. He was only twenty-three at the time. I thought, "What if the two Henry's travelled together, cousins as they obviously might be...but how to prove it."

Although extremely helpful in our first correspondence, a key historian for the Brothertown Indians in Wisconsin could not provide me with much more information than I already had. Again, I will maintain the policy of not mentioning the names of the living; at least for now. But, I am very grateful to her none-the-less.

By now, I had tracked many people down through the strangest means and with the "guardian angel" help of so many different people, that I was sure I would find the connections. However, a trip to the States and work held me up until I found information about William Franklin Bulman that started me rethinking things. I also had a strange thing happen. Just for fun, I tried the Wisconsin Genealogy Index yet again for Bulman/Bullman and noticed the following which I had assumed was some irrelevant Germanic variation:

Bullmannm, Polly Marriage
Apr 12 1846
Fond du Lac

By now, I knew exactly what I was looking at becuase I had earlier found this:

Bulman, Henry Marriage
May 03 1846
Fond du Lac

I had learned how to ask the reverse question: who was the bride?

Sampson, Wiltha Marriage
May 03 1846
Fond du Lac

So, I went back to Polly and got:

Summons, Jas Marriage
Apr 12 1846
Fond du Lac

Now, this threw me off for a while until after much tracing through the various census databases, etcetera I realised that this was actually James Simons. Having done this, I found through a Calumet site that, indeed, James Simons/Simmons married a Polly Bulman/Bullman on 12 April 1846. The only problem was that his wife is listed as Martha in the 1850 census data. I knew from previous investigations that Polly rhymes with Molly which is a variant of Mary...think of the Princess Bride...Mawwwaaaage (see the end of the post).

Contacting the Brothertown Indians again and other sources clarified the issue. Martha was a Skeesuck (Sheesuck, Schesuck, Skeezuc, Skieezup) of the Narragansett Tribe. So, Polly had either died or had left the marriage. I can find no data on her anywhere and am of the belief that she died, perhaps in childbirth. By now, I was willing to start forking out cash to get the records that can be easily ordered from Wisconsin Historical Society. I had done it earlier with Jeremiah Bulman and others. But, it does take time.

The first that I ordered were for William Franklin Bulman which confirmed that his parents were Jeremiah and Abigail Bulman. This provided a very high probability that at least Henry in Calumet was his brother. Because Esther Sampson was the daughter of John Mason Simons, it made sense to see the relationship between her and James Simons. James Simons, Senior, John M. Simon's brother, was her uncle. Therefore, James Simons, Junior, who had married Polly Bullman, was her younger cousin.

I am a little slow with all of this and it took me some time to realise that, although Henry and Wealthea were married in 1846, there oldest son, Grizel, was born in 1840. I suddenly realised I was missing one of Jeremiah Bulman's children who had disappreared between the 1830 and 1840 Census in Oneida. In checking this, I discovered that it was one of the eldest males. Then, the penny dropped. Henry had moved out of his father's house and into the Sampson household, or a least into the Brothertown community. Again, I realised that Amelia, the next child, was also born in New York in 1844, while Clinton J. (Jeremiah?) was born in Wisconsin in 1847. Grizel always identified Henry as his father, even though he did not know his grandfather's name. There is more to this story, but it will have to wait for later.

I had previously thought that this child of Jeremiah and Abigail had died. Now, I needed an extra son. Of course, I actually had an excellent candidate in John Bullman, who had settled in Prairieville, Waukesha County, Wisconsin by 1846. The township would be renamed Waukesha the following year. In 1846, a P. Bulman is settled in Peewauke, Waukesha County near by. He is Patrick Bulman in the 1850 US Census and 1855 Wisconsin Census. Returning to the 1850 Waukesha, Waukesha County US Census data, I discovered on the image that "Harry" was clearly Henry. So, I now had a John Bullman whose sons were John and Henry. It also so happened that John was born in Massachusetts in 1816. But, Jeremiah in Kirkland was also born about 1816 in Massachusetts. So, if they are actually brothers, then one may have been born in 1815/16 and the other 1816/1817.

If he is Jeremiah and Abigail's son, and I believe that he is, the following would be the list of their living children and birth years in 1850:

John (1815/16) Massachusetts
Jeremiah (1816/17) Massachusetts
Henry (1818) Massachusetts
Louisa (1820)
Polly (1826 est.)
William (1830)

Here are Patrick and Sarah's children according to FABs list (Harris' birth year was not included and was extrapolated from census data):

Elizabeth (1816/1817)
Mariah (1819)
Henry (1821)
Phoebe (1824)
Susan (1827)
Nathaniel (1829)
Harris (1830)
Jeremiah (1833)
Abigail (1835)
William (1839)

Henry and Jane Bulman's children in Schenectady are as follows:

Levina (1817)
Eliza (1818)
Christopher (1825)
Caroine (1833)
Mary Melissa (1834)
Jane (1834)
James (1840)

I am still waiting on the marriage records for Polly Bullman. Unfortunately, those for Henry and Wealthea did not include their parents' details. So, I do not have a last name for Abigail as yet. Both of William Franklin Bulman's records have Jeremiah Bullman and Abigail Bullman as his parents. Now, it is only a mildly wild conjecture to suppose, in fact, that Jeremiah Bulmore had changed his name to his wife's name, Bullman. While this may not be the answer. It may be closer to the truth than we might wish to admit (more later). Since Jeremiah was their son and was born in 1816/1817, then his father could be Jeremiah Bulmore.

If they returned to relatives in Schenectady in late 1816, then Henry and Jane might have decided to elope at Ballston Center, Saratoga, nearby. This in turn seems to have precipitated the elopement of Patrick and Sarah. I have ideas as to why Jeremiah shot through to Oneida County rather than staying in Schenectady. I'll need another post to outline them.

It would be interesting to discover why Patrick and Sarah followed suit. I suspect that, unlike Henry, who married into a very well connected family, Patrick and Sarah found themselves with fewer prospects in life in Schenectady. But, why would both Patrick and Henry haved change their names?

If they did, then our Patrick could have been the Patrick Bulmore listed in the War of 1812 rolls. If that were the case, then, the historical article was correct. But, what of Texas? For now, all I will say is that two of Patrick's sons fought in the 28th Wisconsin which was posted, where? Yes, Texas during the Civil War. Henry Bulman of Schenectady died in 1871. I believe the article was written after this. It would be understandable, if his widow confused things in her memory.

An important question remains. If Patrick is right, and John (b. 1756 m. 1782 d. 1826) is the father of the three brothers, who is the Christopher in the article. Is Henry' child in Schenectady, Christopher, named after a father, or an uncle? If the uncle, why not the father? How does this family fit into the other Bulman families in New York of this era that seem to have some claim upon their being related? Oh, why don't you take a break and watch the wedding scene from the Princes Bride:

Is the change from Bulmore to Bulman Credible?

In arguing for the plausibility of Jeremiah Bulmore being Jeremiah Delos Bulman's uncle, it might be useful to discuss the credibility of such a name change. Later, I will have to suggest the way in which it might have changed. In doing all of this, I'll also have to explain why I think that Jeremiah Bulmore just might be Patrick's brother. The consequences of this need elaborating, as well as further strategies for confirming or disconfirming the hypothesis.

Of course, there always have to be comedians in the family. One wag in the household (not me) has been singing, "Jeremiah was a Bulman" to the tune of Hoyt Axton's, "Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog". You can listen to Creedence Clearwater Rival's YouTube version of the song (end of blog) while you read through the argument. At least, that part should be worth your time. BTW, I chose CCR over Three Dog Night for obvious aesthetic reasons and because of the importance of what is needed to give credence to my surmising. And, of course, the credence has to do with more than the Tumwater connection which fans will understand and family memebers might connect with Olympia, Washington. Tom Fogerty, John's elder brother, had permanently left the band by the time of this poster. He apparently could no longer put up with John Fogerty's supposed autocratic ways. This sometimes happens in families. You can see him on the left in the picture to the left and below; it is from 1968.

As I have said previously, an Elizabeth Boolmore is found in the 1800 Census data for Schenectady. Two young males are with her. She is at least 45 and, perhaps, older. She does no show up again in later census reports, ever. There is a Mrs. Bullmore in the 1790 Boston census with two white females (no age differentiation) and one male under sixteen. In 1810, the Fourth Ward of the Schenectady census we find the following (Samuel page 21 and Benjamen page 22):

  • Bullmore, Samuel
    • Free White Males to 10: 1, 26 to 45: 1
    • Free White Females to 10: 1, 16 to 26: 1
  • Chamberlain, John
    • Free White Males to 10: 2, 10 to 16: 1, 26 to 45: 1
    • Free White Females to 10: 2, 10 to 16: 1, 26 to 45: 1
  • Scouten, John
    • Free White Males 10 to 16: 1, 45 etc.: 1
    • Free White Females 10 to 16: 1, 45 etc.: 1
  • Bullmore, Benjamen
    • Free White Males to 10: 2, 26 to 45: 1
    • Free White Females 26 to 45: 1
  • McMynderse, William [probably should be Mynderse]
    • Free White Males 16 to 26: 2, 45 etc.: 1
    • Free White Females 10 to 16: 1, 45 etc.: 1
  • Van Eps, Alexander
    • Free White Males to 10: 1, 16 to 26: 2, 45 etc.: 1
    • Free White Females 16 to 26: 1, 45 etc.: 1
It would seem that neither Elizabeth or the boys from 1800 are ensconced in either of these Bullmore families. However, this does not mean that they are not living with other households in Schenectady. In the 1820 census, the Fourth Ward becomes the Town of Glenville and we find the following. Please note that this is Bonnona Bilmore is Benoni (Benjamin) Bulmore. Also, notice that Henry has made his first appearance in the Census data.

  • Bulman, Henry
    • Free White Males to 10: 1, 16 to 26: 1
    • Free White Females to 10: 2, 16 to 26: 1
    • Persons Involved in Agriculture: 1
  • Stevens, William
    • Free White Males 16 to 18: 1, 16 to 26: 1, 26 to 45: 1
    • Free White Females to 10: 1, 10 to 16: 1, 16 to 26: 1
    • Persons Involved in Manufacturing: 1
  • Van Eps, Alexander
    • Free White Males 10 to 16: 1, 45 etc.: 1
    • Free White Females 45 etc.: 1
    • Persons Involved in Agriculture: 1
  • Osborn, William
    • Free White Males to 10: 1, 16 to 26: 1, 45 etc.: 1
    • Free White Females to 10: 3, 26 to 45: 1, 45 etc.: 1
    • Persons Involved in Agriculture: 2
  • Bilmore, Bonnona
    • Free White Males to 10: 2, 10 to 16: 1, 26 to 45: 1
    • Free White Females to 10: 2, 16 to 26: 1, 26 to 45: 1
    • Persons Involved in Agriculture: 1
  • Chamberlin, John
    • Free White Males to 10: 2, 16 to 18: 1, 16 to 26: 2, 26 to 45: 1, 45 etc.: 1
    • Free White Females to 10: 1, 10 to 16: 1, 16 to 26: 1, 45 etc.: 1
    • Persons Involved in Agriculture: 3
By the 1830 census a curious change has taken place. It is now Benona Bullman and Henry Bullman in Glenville according to the images at In the 1840 census, it is Benoni Bulman and Henry Bulman. Benjamin (son of my right hand) Bullmore changes to Benoni (son of my sorrow) Bulman over the years. We know from other sources that Benjamin Bullman dies in 1850 at the age of seventy-five. We also know that his children are connected with Henry Bullman of Schenectady in various ways through time.

I think it safe to say that at least one Bulmore changed his name to Bulman. Interesting, a little research has thrown up the fact that, if the Bulmore/Bulman family was originally from England and Wales rather than Ireland or Holland, then Bulmore, and its variants, refers to those who work with calves and Bulman, with its variants, refers to those who work with bulls. The point is, that at that time, people may have felt fairly comfortable with changing between names if there was a purpose to it. A very simple reason might be a rift in the family or a second marriage leading to some members wishing to distinguish between themselves. Family politics might be a part of people, even elders, changing their family names.

The next post will outline some surmising that has to do with data from Wisconsin and Oneida County as we come to the end of this question, finally.

Low Bridge, Everybody Down

I am very much enjoying working on this blog while convalencing. I have forgotten how fascinated I once was with this era and these places as a child. Before I was intrigued by the stories of Mark Twain, I was captivated by life on the Erie Canal. In part, this was because of the involvement of the Irish laborers who actually dug the canal. Given the fact that I have Irish connections on both sides of the family and have listed to Celtic music all my life, this is no real mystery. I once used to think how wonderful it would have been to be a boy walking the mule pulling the various cargo boats and families along the canals to the west.

Bruce Springsteen's version of the song on YouTube can be found at the end of the post. Starts a bit slow, but builds up to the sort of excitement that the song used to cause. I wonder if he remembered it from his youth, or if he just thinks about it as another folk song about workers.

It is a delightful song that I remember we used to sing in school with the movements. The people used to ride on top of the canal boats which had a low cabin roof rising just above the gunwales. They had to be kept low so as to be able to pass beneath the bridges across the canal. In fact, in Deansville, the old maps show just such a bridge across the Chenango Canal. It is near the lot that I think Thomas Dean built his mansion. From the census data, it looks like our family may have lived near the Deans. Unfortunately, the Deans had several farms apparently and I am not sure exactly where our folks would have been. Perhaps the historians in Marshall will be able to find out for us.

In any case, when you get to the "low bridge" part of the song, children squat down, duck walking, until they "pass under" the somewhat movable bridge made of children's arms. Then, duck walkers get up and walk erect in a large circle being "pulled" by the boy and the mule who tramp somewhat to the side and ahead of the "barge" and the people on "it". This is done while everyone sings the song. I mention this because you might want to learn the song and use it when you have to work with a large group of younger children. Great fun and wait until you see how they fight over being the "bridge", "passangers and boatmen", "mule" or "boy".

You can also listen to Burl Ives singing, Erie Canal. Even though I very much like listening to Ives, the sound quality is not all that good. However, the pictures are fantastic! And, I still get chuckle after all these years over the dress and the flagpole comedic image.

There is a serious side to this of course. De Witt Clinton, who had been a Senator at various stages in his political career, became governor for the State of New York in 1817. He was able to finalise the beginnings of the Erie Canal. This would dramatically change the political, social and cultural landscape of Oneida County. The building of the Chenango Canal would have an lesser, but important impact on the region. The railroads would change the patterns again.

Although, my great, grandfather's list has Dexter "Deek" Felton down as "a sailor", I wonder if that was a euphemism for canal boatman. Elizabeth Bulman, his wife, would bear Sarah Jane Felton 1842 according to the list. Either FAB was wrong about this, or Sarah was the second child born and the first had died. Elizabeth is shown as head of her household in the 1840 census in Marshall. Deek apparently died of smallpox in the autumn of 1873 in Wisconsin. I certainly cannot find him in the 1880 census. I do find Betsey. However, Fenton is as bad as Bulman in terms of spelling variations and transcription errors in the databases.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

When is a Bullman, a Bulmore?

Over the past few days, I have been able to catch up on this blog due to, of all things, being isolated with whooping cough, pertussis. I say this because I am reminded of how fragile life is. Children used to regularly die regularly of the bacterial infection in Australia and America, as they did of dyptheria. We have been giving innoculations against these diseases for decades now, at least in countries that can afford the expense. Yet, these infectious diseases are returning for reasons that I will not go into here. That would be too much like work.

However, without the antibiotics that we now take so much for granted, I would be in great strife. As it is now, I will take ten days worth of medication. Half of them will be spent at home with mild flu-like symptoms, at least now that the antibiotics have kicked in. I am very glad that I did not live in the nineteenth century in terms of its lack of medical knowledge. On the other hand, the moral, cultural and political sensibilities of the time were more to my liking and the sense that one was engaged in events of promise must have been rather intoxicating at times.

The woman to the upper right was born in the town I will be shortly speaking of not long after the Bulman families began to settle in Wisconsin. Her father was the famous "Puritan" author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, whose works are much misunderstood, if not misrepresented these days. Yet, she became a Dominican nun after the death of her estranged husband. She is now a Servant of God and well on her way towards beatification.

Her name in society was Rose Hawthorne Lathrop; in religion, it was Mother Mary Alphonsa. She was a social worker, an author and the founder of an order which works with those who are terminally ill with cancer and who are often destitute, the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne. She died in 1926 at the age of 75. She and her father are well worth following up.

I am grateful for both modern medicine and the sacrificial care of others. I am also grateful for technology well used. With it we may just solve a formidable brick wall.

Tonight I was able to review and reconfirm my hypothesis. And, it is only that; a hypothesis. Yet, it may prove to be fruitful by opening up or closing off lines of enquiry. So, here goes. I hope I can make this both clear and concise.

I begin by reminding readers that, according to my great-grandfather, Patrick and Jeremiah Bulman had a brother, Henry. He could supply precious little else except these bare facts. A number of us have been connecting the dots for some time.

For instance, distant relatives of ours discovered from church records that Henry Bulman and Jane Van Eps married in a Presbyterian Church at Ballston Center, Saratoga, New York just north of Schenectady in January of 1817. It also turns out that, in March 1817, Patrick Bulman and Sarah Vale/Viele also married in the same church before “returning to Schenectady.”

This is our Peter and Sally Bulman as can be shown later. I should also mention that construction on the Erie Canal was begun on 4 July, 1817 at Rome, near Utica in Oneida County, New York.

Also, a person, whom I shall refer to as "Mom" Bulman, shared a historical note she had discovered in a nineteenth century journal. It contends that Patrick and Henry Bulman were the sons of a Christopher Bulman who had arrived in Schenectady from Connecticut in 1794.

Additionally, Patrick was supposed to have served in the War of 1812 and to have subsequently taken his family to Texas. "Mom" can find no record of military service or a Texas sojourn for Patrick Bulman. FAB says the brothers' father was John. But, the 1794 date is interesting and will be raised again in the future. So will a theory about the mention of Texas.

I was intrigued by the idea of a Bulman having served during the War of 1812 and would have been delighted to have found that one had also served during the War of Independence. So, working from information supplied by this particular family historian and others interested in solving the mystery of the pater familias, I discovered that a family a Boolmore/Bullmore/Bullman family obviously connected to Henry through various ties lived in Schenectady as early as the 1800.

In the census for that year in Schenectady, you will find an Elizabeth Boolmore with two young males in her household. They are in the appropriate age range for Patrick (1792/4) and Henry (1796/98). There are no other Boolmores/Bulmores/Bullman, etcetera to be found. They do start showing up in 1810 and beyond. That is a story to be told later.

I decided to run Patrick, Henry and Jeremiah in the War of 1812 database with variations on Boolmore. I got both a Patrick and a Jeremiah Bulmore. Patrick was associated with Colden's 5th Artiillery and Infantry Regiment, New York. But, he will have to wait for later. I'll only say that Colden was heavily involved in developing the Erie Canal venture.

Jeremiah Bulmore was with Chamberlin's Regiment of Massachusetts Militia. Then, something else popped up. A Jeremiah Bullman was also in the same Regiment. In fact, in the index, they shared the same Roll Box and Roll Extract numbers. It was the same person with two spellings of the family name.

It took some looking, but I found a record with the rolls in the digital archives. It was published in 1913 having been transcribed into a print format with its inherent errors. On page 29 of the Records of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia Called Out by the Governor of Massachusetts to Suppress a Threatened Invasion During the War of 1812-1814, I found a Jeremiah Butmore listed as being a private in Captain D. Collin's Company, Lieutenant Colonel S.K. Chamberlin's Regiment. They served at Boston from September 10 to October 30, 1814 after having been raised at Lenox and vacinity.

Some fossicking around gave me more information about Chamberlin (and, his even more famous son who served in the Civil War). I also found out that this was D. Collins was Daniel Collins. Don't ask me how; I cannot remember.

And, that is as far as I had gotten for many years. I could find nothing more out about Jeremiah Bulmore/Bullman. However, recently I did find this obituary tidbit on a genealogy site related to Berkshire County wherein Lenox lies:

Collins, Daniel
At Richmond, Capt. Daniel Collins, at 81 yrs.; a revolutionary patriot.
(Boston Patriot, 6 March 1826)

Daniel Collins was sixty-nine when he raised the company during the War of 1812 having served in the War of Independence! Otherwise, he had a son of the same name who did so. I have found no evidence of this, yet.

But, there was an even more important discovery to be found in the Private and Special Statues of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts [General Court] from February 1806 to February 1814 which was revised and published by authority of the Legislature in conformity with a resolution, passed 22d February 1822 and published in Volume IV in 1823 by Wells and Lilly of Boston. In effect it is an act incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Society of Lenox on June 22, 1811, as is explained below. Jeremiah Bulmore is a founding member:

Lenox is in the far west of Massachusetts and lies along the route taken by those who would move back and forth between Albany and Boston. It is just north of Stockbridge where one of the Mohican tribes settled after having been driven out of their home territory along the Hudson River in eastern New York. The Stockbridge Indians have a complex relationship with the Brothertown Indians.

If this is our Jeremiah Bulman, then he is, for reasons to be revealed in the next post, around thirty at the time of the incorporation and in his early thirties in 1814. In other words, he would be something on the order of a decade older than Patrick Bulman. Yet, as we shall see, his children are only slightly older than those of Patrick and Sarah Bulman.

There is much more, but it is too late to continue tonight.

William Franklin Bulman and The Methodist Episcipal Church in Deansville

Patrick Bulman, his wife, Sarah/Sally, and most of his children migrated westward to Wisconsin sometime between 1844 to 1846. I believe that at least two of his nephews and a niece did as well. One nephew, Henry, married Wealthea Ann Sampson of the Brothertown Indians (she was a great, great-granddaughter of the renowned Presbyterian minister, Samson Occom, a Mohegan, whose picture is to the right). A niece, Polly, married James Simons who was to become a headman among the Brothertown Indians in Wisconsin. Both marriages were recording in Calumet County Wisconsin in 1846. Unfortunately, Polly seems to have died by 1849. I will return to these folks in later posts.

Louisa, Jeremiah and William, children of Jeremiah and Abigail Jane Bulman remained in Kirkland where their family had moved to from Marshall a few miles to the south by 1840. Abigail had accompanied her children to Wisconsin and I assume that Jeremiah was dead at this point, as no one in Wisconsin seems to know what became of him. However, I cannot find a grave for him in Kirkland. Perhaps he died on the migration as many others had. At least one daughter of Patrick and Sarah, Elizabeth, probably migrated to Wisconsin later. She is in the 1840 Kirkland census data with a young child who I assume was her daughter Sarah Jane. She afterwards married Dexter Felton who I believe was Sarah’s biological father.

I have found no further information on Louisa to date. I do have an idea or two. However, they will have to be explored later.

Jeremiah Bulman (Junior) appears to have married Lucy A. Farnsworth around 1850. She died in 1852 and is buried in the nearby Knoxboro-Augusta Cemetery with her birth family. Her details can be found here. She may have died giving birth to or from complications with the birth of her daughter, Lucy A. Bulman, who was born in 1852. Jeremiah was listed as a lock tender on the Chenango Canal in one census (1860). I have lost track of Jeremiah after 1860. There is a Lucy Bulman (her age as 17 would be right for Jeremiah's Lucy) listed for Kirkland as a domestic in the 1870 census.

William Franklin Bulman was born in Oneida County, New York around 1830. Sometime around 1850, he married Mary Elizabeth Davis who was born in . By 1858, she had died with some of her children. (They are buried at the Deansville Cemetery in Kirkland just north of the line with Marshall that divides what is now known as Deansboro--the entrance to the cemetery is embedded below). According to the 1860 census data, she left behind a husband and three children: Mary Elizabeth, George F., Charles M., and, probably, Robert Bulman. (I should not overlook a Cordelia I. Bulman who is the same age as Lucy above and is staying with the Phineas C. Miller family in 1860 for a reason I have yet to discern.)

Mary Elizabeth is listed below with children which may be hers (dates do not all work out...but this may be because Jeremiah's first wife, Lucy died later than the date given for her...another mystery to be solved).

Bulman, Alonzo J. d. June 8, 1859 4y11m4d pg. 3
Bulman, Electa d. May 31, 1859 3ylm5d pg. 3
Bulman, Francis H. d. June 3, 1859 10mos. pg. 3
Bulman, Mary E. d. Jan. 30, 1858 23y3m0d pg. 3

After their mother’s death, the family was supported by William’s sister, Louise, who had been born in New York around 1820. The children would accompany their father to Wisconsin after the 1860 census. However, this is another story. What is important for this post is the fact that William Franklin Bulman married twice in the 1870s. Both times he was married according to the rites of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It would seem safe to assume that this was due to his preferences rather than merely those of each of his two brides.

I have asked the Marshall Historical Society in Oneida County to provide any information from the record books of the M.E. Society in Deansville and any other sources. As I write this post, they are graciously seeking to do just that. I am particularly hoping that there would be a record of the church from whence the family removed and where they may have been dismissed to if these exist. They may not.

However, for the mean time, here is what I know so far about the M.E. Society in Deansville and Oneida County more generally. The immediately following is a chapter from the Annals and Recollections of Oneida County which was published by Pomroy Jones in 1851. I cannot find the page number at the moment; but, the volume is in the digital archives.

Methodist Episcopal.- This denomination had a class in this town as early as 1803, which was supplied with preaching once in two weeks by the preachers appointed to the Westmoreland Circuit. In 1821, a society was organized preparatory to building a house for public worship, but nothing was accomplished in consequence of a disagreement as to its site. Nothing further was done as to building a house until 1837, when an effort was made to raise funds for the building of one at Deansville, which was so far successful that a respectable house for public worship was erected at that place in 1832, the site of which was presented to the society by the late Thomas Dean, Esq. In 1839, Deansville was set off as a station, and has so remained to the present time. The church now numbers about ninety members.

That the work of the M.E. was quite extensive in Oneida County can be seen from the Minutes of the Annual Conference. Both the recapitulation figures and the list of preachers station around the county are on the same page and can be seen below:

View Larger Map

Why is all of this important? Ah, that is for the next post.