List of Letters
Remaining in the Postoffice [sic] at Waukesha, Wis., uncalled for, for the week ending Jan. 3d. 1874 and published in the paper having the largest circulation.
To obtain any of these letters the applicant must call for advertised letters and give the date of the list. If not called for within one month they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. A request for the return of a letter to the writer if unclaimed within thirty days or less, written or printed with the writer's name, Postoffice and state across the left hand end of the envelop, on the face side, will be complied with.The letter had been addressed to a Mrs. M. Bulman. Is this one of the family? It might well be. But, who would it be. There was Margaret Bulman, Jeremiah Delos' wife. Frederick Albert Bulman, their eldest, was born in Waukesha, Wisconsin in 1871. So, had someone written to her in Waukesha. Who might that have been?
There was a Mandana (Mondarah) P. Benner who married Nathaniel Bulman. There was also a Mary Lockwood who married Henry Bulman in 1855. We will have to follow all of this up. And, there is much more besides.
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