Saturday, October 17, 2009

Focusing on Frederick Albert Bulman

Sorry for the delay in returning to the blog. You girls know how busy the year has been. I have also been able to do a great deal of research over the academic year. The brief trip to the States allowed me to obtain some photos for the blog. I'll be putting them up over the next several weeks along with some of the stories.

I'll focus somewhat more on Frederick Albert Bulman for a time. He is my great-grandfather and Verona's father. (Apologies to readers for the repetition of information that will occur occasionally throughout the life of this blog.) He was born on 26 January 1871 in Brookfield Township, Waukesha County Wisconsin.

My father had a few photos of FAB that I had never seen before and I was very excited to see one with Lena, his wife.

Here is a picture of him in his Wisconsin National Guard uniform. It looks like a winter outfit. The photo was taken at R.G. Shaker's studio (116 Kelsey Street, Eau Clair, Wisconsin) some time after returning from Puerto Rico, I suspect. Why do I think this?

During the Spanish American War, he was in D Company of the 3rd (Regiment) Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. This company was mustered from Mauston in Juneau County. They were called up in 28 April 1898 and returned 8 November 1898. Interestingly, Fred was not listed in the Mauston Star accounts of their going or returning.

Instead, he can be found listed in the THE SENTINAL ALMANAC and BOOK OF FACTS For the year 1899. Juneau County is south east of Eau Claire with a county in between. So, it will be interesting to discover why he was with this particular company. In any case, the Mauston Star gave the following account of the company's endeavours:

The Mauston boys left home on the 28th of April last, left Milwaukee May 14 for Chickamauga Park, Georgia, where they remained until July 5th when they left for Charleston. July 19 they sailed for Puerto Rico, arrived there July 27 and disembarked the 28. On August 6 it began to move toward San Juan and took part in the capture of Coamo, being in the advance, later our boys were in two battles at Albointo pass, but luckily no men were killed or wounded. Since the last engagement Lieutenant Gerhard F. Behnken has been in command and has been a faithful officer and well liked by all. The Third regiment raised the Stars and Stripes over a number of towns on the island among them Ponce, Yauco, Coamo, Albonita, Cayey, Barros, Barmintas, and Cedra. It has always been pushed to the front and had a record which few regiments in the United States can equal.

Now, what is somewhat confusing is the fact that this photo is labeled "F.A. Bulman, 1899". Here FAB is only sporting a moustache. So, it is necessary to seek further information. There is a good summary at the Spanish American War Centennial Web-site. It should be noted that this site indicates the 3rd WVI returned state-side in September 1898. So, it took a couple of months from disembarkation before they returned to Wisconsin.

The information that FAB provided to the State of Wisconsin Board of Health on 2 June 1942 only deepens the mystery. He was seeking to gain a birth certificate. In the section on supporting documentation is an entry relating to a discharge certificate. It reads: Army Discharge: Wis N.G. Discharge for Fred A. Buhman [sic]. Sgd. Earl S. Pearsall, Cap't. 3rd Inf. Dated 11/01/02 Eau Claire, Wis. Enlistment June 19, 1900. FAB and Lena married 10/18/02 in Wash. Twp. Eau Claire, Wis. Perhaps he reenlisted in 1900 in a company closer to home than Mauston.

It was at this point that I remembered some papers my father had sent me a few years ago. It seems that a Jesse C. Good, County Clerk for Genesee County, State of Michigan recorded information in the Soldier's Discharge Record #3 Page 505 on June 9, 1924. The information was taken from a copy of certificate of discharge:

To all Whom it May Concern
Know ye, that Fred A. Bulman, a Private of Company D, of the Third Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, who was enrolled on the 28th day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, to serve Two Years, or during the war, is hereby DISCHARGED from the service of the UNITED STATES, by reason of Muster Out. NO OBJECTION TO HIS REENLISTMENT IS KNOWN TO EXIST. The said Fred A. Bulman was born in Milwaukee Co, in the State of Wisconsin and when enrolled was 27 years of age, 5 feet 8 1/2 inches high, Light complexion, Blue eyes, Auburn hair, and by occupation a Farmer. Given at Mauston Wis this 16 day of January, 1899, [Signed] John Turner, Capt 3rd Wis Vols. Commanding the Co. Countersigned...cannot read signature...Capt. 5th Cav'y Chief Mustering Officer.

On the reverse was:

Military Record
Noncommissioned Officer: Blank
Distinguished Service: None
Battles, engagements, skirmishes, expeditions: In expidition to Porto Rico July 5 @ Oct 31/98 [spelling as on document] Engagement at Coamo...Skirmishes at Abonita Pass
Wounds received in service: None
Remarks: Served in War with Spain in Porto Rico. Service Honest and Faithful

On the front of the form is a stamp that indicates:

PAID IN FULL $ 73.62 MAUSTON, WIS, JAN 16, 99 [Signed] Geo. H. cannot read rest of signature...MAJOR & ADD'L PAYMASTER, U.S.V.

It would seem that the 1899 photograph might have been taken back in Wisconsin before FAB was mustered out of Company D. It is also possible that the photo with FAB bearded was later than the SAW era. There is a second document that was referred to in the application for the birth certificate mentioned above. It reads:


To all Whom it May Concern:
Know ye, That Fred A. Bulman, a Private of Company E., 3rd Regiment Infantry who was enrolled on the 19 day of June one thousand nine hundred to serve 3 years, is herby [sic] HONORABLY DISCHARGED from the WISCONSIN NATIONAL GUARD, to date the 1st of November, 1902, by reason of removal from county. Said Fred A. Bulman was born in Waukeshaw Co. in the State of Wisconsin, and when enrolled was 29 years of age, 5 feet 8 1/2 inches high, Fair complexion, Blue eyes, Light hair, and was by occupation a Farmer.
1. He has previously served [cannot make out] terms of enlistment in the W.N.G. as follows: 8 months Spanish American War Porto Rico Co. D. 3rd Inft. W.N.G. 2. No objection to his re-enlistment is known to exist. Given at Eau Claire, This 1st day of November, 1902 Earl A. Pearsall, Captain 3rd Inf W.H.G. Commanding teh Company.
Adjutant General's Officer. Madison Dec. 6th, 1902 Approved: By Command of the Governor cannot read signature Asst. Adjutant General.

Military Record
Non-commissioned officer: Blank
Active service: Yes Porto Rico 2 skermishes [sic]
Marksmanship: good
Physical condition when discharged: good
Attendance: good
General Standing as a soldier: Good

Here is a photo of FAB and Lena on their wedding day. I'll put up some later photographs of FAB in his uniform over the years in a later blog.

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